Hoar Park Children’s Farm And Saddlery, Hoar Park Farm, Ansley, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, CV10 0QU Tel: 02476 398334 Email: info@hoarparkfarm.com
Pet shop licence no.009067, Zoo licence no.008535.
We offer a half day package for little ones, as the full day often takes its toll.
This can be between the times of 10-
The package includes a guided tour around the farm and animal feed for each child. It also includes an animal encounter with the small animals and the reptiles.
We can also factor in time to play in the play ground and for adults to look around the craft village.
£5.00 per child
(Please phone for current situation)
We offer the half day package(see nurseries) or a full day package. The full
day runs from 10.00-
This package includes a guided tour around the farm and animal feed for each child. It includes an animal encounter with the small animals and the reptiles. The party room is available for your use throughout the day. We can also incorporate time for the children to go on the playground and Bug Hunting as an extra activity.
£7.00 per child
(Currently only ½ days available £5)
For small groups with less than 15 children you can pay normal admission and for only an additional £5.00 we can provide a 15 minute petting session with the small animals and the reptiles.